Wednesday, June 27, 2007

An Effective Vocational Rehabilitation Strategy for the severe disabled

- Supported Employment program -

Kyung-Min Park, a Down’s syndrome man, is 25 years old. He has mainly staid his home all day with watching TV, surfing the Internet, playing the cyber game since graduating special school for the students with an intellectual disability. He does never have friends and job until 25 years old. At some day in 2001, he and his mother visit me to ask his vocational rehabilitation. Like the other people with an intellectual disability he also has complicated troubles such as education, job, sex, marriage, and the others. However, he is a good and pure man. First of all, he has a good healthy unlike the other Down’s syndrome. After I performed suitable vocational counseling and assessment, I decide that he participate my supported employment program.

There are many issues in a vocational rehabilitation field for the people with an intellectual disability. First, there is controversy about quality of vocational rehabilitation services. A services’ quality is determined by not service provider's judgment but customers' service satisfaction. Unlike present the number of vocational rehabilitation agencies in the community is very scarce in the past; therefore, rehabilitation agencies do not feel necessity to care their services' quality and customer’s service satisfaction. However, recently because service quality competition is highly raised between rehabilitation agencies and consumerism concept begin to be used in rehabilitation fields, rehabilitation agencies have to care their services' quality and customer service satisfaction. Second, how is vocational rehabilitation service effectively achieved in the economical side? Namely, how many benefits can vocational rehabilitation agencies give to the disabled people? In fact, an effectiveness of every social welfare service including rehabilitation program was criticized from neoconservatives especially when country has an economic crisis. Accordingly issue of rehabilitation service's cost and benefit is a very critical problem. Third, what are differences of role between professionals and non-professionals? Unlike national economy and defense because social welfare is not universal and major issue but marginal and minor issue, its available resources is very limited. Accordingly not only professionals but also non-professionals such as family members, businesses and volunteers have no choice but to participate in the rehabilitation processes. Consequently role share and cooperation between professionals and non-professionals is very important issue in the rehabilitation fields. Finally, how much does rehabilitation service contribute for the disabled people’s social integration? Actually ultimate purpose of rehabilitation is a complete social integration for the disabled people. However many rehabilitation programs have been still provided under the separated training and service setting.

Supported employment program is more effective program than any other vocational
rehabilitation program for the people with an intellectual disability in the above all issues. First, supported employment program is the best suitable program for mentally retarded people’s characteristic. Second, supported employment program is more economical than traditional vocational rehabilitation programs. Third, supported employment program uses a variety of community resources such as business members, family members, and volunteers throughout whole rehabilitation process. Finally, supported employment program pursues social integration of the people with an intellectual disability through vocational rehabilitation.

Traditional Vocational Rehabilitation Strategy and Supported Employment Program
Generally, supported employment compares with traditional vocational rehabilitation approaches. According to the Renzaglia, A, & Hutchins, M. (1988) they explain that supported employment is more community referenced program than traditional vocational rehabilitation programs. Namely, traditional approaches are based on institution centered paradigm and individual model about the disability while supported employment is bases on community centered paradigm and social model about the disability. Also assessment, curriculum, training method/settings, and placement/follow-up ways are different each other. Traditional approaches use standardized assessment instruments, simulated jobs, work adjustment skills, and time-limited follow-up while supported employment uses informal assessment procedures targeted community-based employment, a systematically select skill training, on-the-job training, and ongoing support.

Definition and History of Supported Employment

There are a variety of definitions about supported employment. However, definition of the Rehabilitation Act Amendment of 1986 is the most general definition received by rehabilitation professionals. According to the definition of this act supported employment is defined as “competitive work in integrated work settings for individuals with severe handicaps for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred, or for individuals for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a severe disability, and who because of their handicap, need ongoing support services to perform such work”. Supported employment is a combination of employment and ongoing serves. It is a powerful and flexible way to ensure normal employment benefits, provide ongoing and appropriate support, create job opportunities, and achieve full participation, integration, and flexibility.
Supported employment program began to appear around the beginning of 1970s. Most rehabilitation services’ histories go with history of the United State’ law development. In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act included regulations about supported employment for the first time in the U.S. and then enactment of the Development Disabilities Act (1984) and amendment of the Rehabilitation Act (1986) became an important turning point and chance for development of supported employment. Recently many developing countries as well as the U. S. use supported employment as an effective vocational rehabilitation strategy for the severe disabled people

Stages and Models of Supported Employment

Commonly, process of supported employment program can classify basic five stages such as job development, job analysis, client-to-job matching, on-the-job training, and worker evaluation. Fadely, D. C. (1987) explains five process of supported employment program through describing job coach’s role. First, job coach locates competitive jobs in the community for the severe disable people. Second, job coach performs task analysis or break down of a specific job step by step. Third, job coach tries to match client and job based on results of vocational assessment and job analysis. Fourth, the people with a severe disability take part in on-the-job training in the workplaces. Lastly, job coach conducts ongoing and intensive evaluation and supports for the people with a severe disability.

There are four typical models of supported employment such as individual placement model, enclave model, mobile work crew model, and small business model. First, an individual placement model is the most typical model of the supported employment models. In this model, only 1 job coach provides ongoing and intensive supports to a person with a severe disability in the workplace; therefore service quality provided by job coach is better than any other supported employment model. Second, enclave model is a type to place 2-3 disabled people and 1 job coach in one workplace at the same time. In this model, the people with disability can help each other and because 1 job coach charges 2-3 disabled people at the same time, it is more economical than an individual model. Third, mobile work crew model makes mobile group which is consist of the people with a severe disability. This model mainly uses service industry such as building cleaning work or park maintenance work. Finally, small business model is to operate small business being consist of the people with a severe disability in a private enterprise. This model has an advantage employing many people with a severe disability at the same time while it has a disadvantage reducing integration chance more than other modes relatively.

Criticism of Supported Employment

Opponents claim that supported employment is not useful for most severe disabled people. Because supported employment pursues competitive employment excessively, many severe disabled people cannot get proper employment chances. Also, they insist that supported employment may plunder opportunities participating sheltered workshop program of the severe disabled people under the pretence of social integration and human lights. In fact, supported employment program is not a panacea. However, effectiveness of supported employment has proven through many researches (Wehman, P., Sale, P., Parent, W, S. 1998 ; Ronald, W, C & Jack, H, N. 1990) and the fact that many vocational rehabilitation agencies and most countries prefer to use supported employment program for the severe disabled people’s vocational success exhibit supported employment’s benefits and effectiveness well.

Benefits of Supported Employment

Supported employment program has a lot of benefits more than traditional vocational rehabilitation approaches.

First, supported employment program is the best suitable program for mentally retarded people’s characteristic. According to the AAMR (American Association on Mental Retardation)’ definition the person with an intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. Also this disability originates before age 18; therefore, they need to ongoing and intensive supports throughout their all life. Supported employment program began to base on mentally retarded people’s characteristic. Job coach’s role, assessment and training method and ongoing support system display supported employment program’s such features well. Job coach’s role is one of the most important facts in supported employment processes. Success or failure of supported employment is determined by job coach’s ability. Job coach already understands the person with intellectual disability’ characteristics fully and responds to the disabled people’s needs continuously. Assessment and training method in supported employment also design and perform on the workplaces considering intellectual disability’ characteristics. Also, one of the most important benefits in supported employment program is the fact that it provides the people with a severe disability unlimited services.

Second, supported employment program is more economical than traditional vocational rehabilitation programs. First, using supported employment program can make a retrenchment in the budgets which are spent for vocational rehabilitation. Traditional vocational rehabilitation approaches are based on institution or agency. In other words, because these strategies have to equip special training setting for the people with disability and change the facilities and equipment frequently regarding changes of training lesson and contents, these strategies need many budgets to provide appropriate services for the people with disability. On the other hand, supported employment program is one of the most economical programs in vocational rehabilitation field because this program chiefly performs in the real workplaces which do not need additional facilities and equipment. Also, using supported employment program can help the disabled and rehabilitation agency to save time during the vocational rehabilitation process. In traditional vocational rehabilitation programs the people with a severe disability have wasted useless time performing simulated work and participating boring rehabilitation programs. However, the people with disability who participate supported employment program can use time effectively without wasting time through training and employment performing at the workplace or business.

Third, supported employment program uses a variety of community resources such as business members, family members, and volunteers throughout whole rehabilitation process. Generally, traditional vocational rehabilitation programs such as sheltered workshop program, vocational adjustment training program and work activity center program perform nearly every activity in the agency or institution; therefore, almost all services and supports are provided by professional. On the other hand, because supported employment program mainly performs all services and supports in the workplace and community, it uses a variety of community resources such as business’s workers, family members, and volunteers. There is one concept, a natural supports, to explain such various community resources for the people with a severe disability. The term natural supports refer to the inherent resources in community environments that can be used for rehabilitative and supportive purposes. West, M.D., and his colleagues (1997) explain that “natural supports within the supported employment service context were intended to included to include; (a) individuals at the job site, such as employers, supervisors, or co-workers, (b) friends or family members in supportive roles, and (c) volunteers or members from work or the community”. Business members are the most important natural supporters in supported employment. They play a role as trainer, supervisor, evaluator, and advocator for the people with a disability. Job coach tries to transfer a critical role as a trainer and evaluator to business members such as employers, supervisors, or co-workers. Accordingly business members’ role is very important for supported employment’s success. Family members well know the people with a disability’s characteristics and preferences better than any other supporter. Sometimes positive parents may become more wonderful mentor and supporter than vocational rehabilitation professionals for the people with an intellectual disability. They are a great supporter not only in the job world but also in the daily life. Finally, many volunteers such as students, friends, and neighbors can play a role as a good assistant. Specialists in supported employment field positively have to use such volunteers to lead supported employment successfully. Although there are many community resources, they can contribute for supported employment’s success effectively when they actively cooperate and communicate each other targeting the people with a disability’s vocational success. In the other words, cooperation and communication between community resources is vary important factor for an appropriate support and supported employment’s success.

Finally, philosophy and principle of supported employment program pursue social integration of the people with an intellectual disability. First of all supported employment program performs at the integrated workplace in the community; therefore, it provides the people with a disability more social integration opportunities than any other vocational rehabilitation program. The people with a disability work and communicate with the people without disability. They can integrate society automatically through their vocational life. Next, because supported employment positively uses a variety of community resources such as business members and volunteers, the people with an intellectual disability who participate supported employment program can obtain chances contacting mainstream or society, in other words, it can help the people with an intellectual disability’s social integration more effectively than any other vocational rehabilitation programs. Finally, supported employment program is a community-based vocational rehabilitation program. Whole processes of supported employment perform in the people with disability’s community. Job coach tries to find jobs for the disabled people in the community and the disabled people train and work for companies and workplaces in the community. Accordingly, the disabled people who use supported employment program can work and live under the most familiar environment.

In conclusion, every people with a disability have abilities which can do something. However, for the long time they have been ignored form mainstream of society and they have been excluded from majority group of society. Obviously, it is a social discrimination, inequality, and prejudice. Supported employment program will save the people with a disability from such discrimination and unfairness through ongoing and intensive supports. Supported employment program is the most effective program of the vocational rehabilitation programs for the people with an intellectual disability. First, supported employment program is the most appropriate program for the people intellectual disability because this program considers the mentally retardation’s characteristics thoroughly. Next, supported employment program performs economically through training and support in workplace and community. Third, supported employment program positively attempt to use not only job coach but also community resources to achieve the disable people’s vocational success. Finally, supported employment program completely intent on social integration for the people with an intellectual disability

In the future, not only rehabilitation specialists but also community resources should endeavor to improve supported employment program’s quality. First of all, vocational rehabilitation specialists try to observe philosophy and principle of supported employment thoroughly. In fact, most vocational rehabilitation specialists have trouble keeping philosophy and principle of a good rehabilitation program because there are a lot of barriers such as agency’s bureaucratic authoritarianism, social prejudice and the others preventing specialists’ attempts and efforts. Also specialists try to develop new job types and new supported employment models. Even though the disabled people can do a lot of tasks and jobs in the world, they have not entered these jobs for the long time because of social prejudice and physical barriers. If specialists develop more job fields and training models for the disabled people, the more disabled people would obtain employment opportunities. Next, business should provide the disable people an equal employment opportunity without prejudices about the disabled people’s ability. It is the most reasonable accommodation provided by businesses. Finally, family member’s role also is very important. Especially, parents need to understand labor market’s actual condition and vocational rehabilitation processes precisely. If family does not understand both factors, they have unrealistic vocational needs or do not become appropriate supporters.

Kyung-Min Park is one of the most successful cases through supported employment. A government agency located near his house provides him building maintenance job without prejudice. His parent and older sister play an important role as a wonderful trainer and assistant. Vocational rehabilitation professionals also serve ongoing and intensive services faithfully. Working for his company for the 6 years, Kyung-Min Park become a great tax-payer be not depended on his parent and rehabilitation agencies any more.


Fadely, D. C. (1987). Job Coaching in Supported Work Programs, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751, Materials Development Center Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute School of Education and Human Services University of Wisconsin-Stout.

Grossi, T., Banks B., Pinnyei D. (2001). Facilitation Job Site Training and Supports: The Evolving Role of the Job Coach, (pp.75-91) Wehman, P. (Ed.). Supported Employment in Business; Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities. St. Augustine, Florida, Training Resource Network, Inc.

Hagner, D. & Dileo, D. (1993). Working Together: Workplace Culture, Supported Employment, and Persons with Disabilities. Cambridge, MA. Brookline Books.

Karen E. Gibson., Kelly Kane-Johnston., (1998). Maximizing Community and Workplace Supports: Defining the Role of the Employment Specialist, (pp. 183-216) Wehman, P., Kregel, J., (Ed). More than a Job-Securing Satisfying Careers for People with Disabilities, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Parent, W., Wehman, P., Bricout, J. (2001). Supported Employment and Natural Supports, (pp.93-112) Wehman, P. (Ed.). Supported Employment in Business; Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities. St. Augustine, Florida, Training Resource Network, Inc.

Renzaglia, A., Hutchins, M. (1988). A Community-Referenced Approach to Preparing Persons with Disabilities for Employment, (pp.91-110). Wehman, P., Sherril Moon, M (Ed). Vocational Rehabilitation & Supported Employment. Baltimore, Maryland, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Ronald, W, C & Jack, H, N (1990). Benefit-Cost Analysis of Supported Employment, (pp.271-288). Rusch, F. R. (Ed) Supported Employment Model, Methods, and Issues, Sycamore Publishing Company.

Rusch, F. R. (1990). Supported Employment Model, Methods, and Issues, Sycamore Publishing Company.

Wehman, P. (1988). Supported Employment -Toward Zero Exclusion of Persons with Severe Disabilities, (pp.3-14). Wehman, P., Sherril Moon, M (Ed). Vocational Rehabilitation & Supported Employment. Baltimore, Maryland, Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Wehman, P., Sale, P., Kregel, J. (1998). Supported Employment: Growth and Impact, (pp. 3-28). Wehman, P., Sale, P., Parent, W, S. (Ed). Supported Employment: Strategies for Integration of Workers with Disabilities

Wehman, P. & Bricout, J. (2001). Supported Employment; New Directions for the New Millennium (pp.3-22). Wehman, P. (Ed.). Supported Employment in Business; Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities. St. Augustine, Florida, Training Resource Network, Inc.

West, M. D., Kregel, J., Hernandez, A., Hoch, T. (1997). Everybody’s Doing It: A National Study of he Use of Natural Supports in Supported employment.

A Critical Review About Job Coaching in Supported Work Programs

This article, “Job Coaching in Supported Work Programs ", which is written by Diane C. Fadely , a professor of University of Wisconsin-Stout, argues supported employment program's value and job coach role's significant for supported employment program's success. Author insists that supported employment program is more effective than any other vocational rehabilitation program and job coach's role is the most important for supported employment's success. Author tries to introduce a lot of information about supported employment program and describe detail job description for the job coach. However, Author fails to delivery readers her own major points effectively because this article has problems both the constructive side and the content side.

This article's most critical purpose is to emphasize significance of job coach's role in the supported employment program. First, author introduces radical change in rehabilitation and related philosophy with introducing supported work and transitional employment and criticizing the remedial approach for the disabled. Second, author describes transitional employment which somewhat differ to supported employment because of time-limited program or unlimited program. Like supported employment transitional employment also emphasizes job coach's role and performs fundamental 6 processes such as job development, job analysis, client-to-job matching, on-the-job training, and worker evaluation. Third, author introduces problems of other vocational rehabilitation models such as train-place worksites model, cooperative or apprenticeship program, and sheltered employment program to exhibit supported employment program's advantages. Especially, author criticizes sheltered workshop program's problems such as separation with the mainstream population and poor wage and benefit packages. Fourth, author introduces supported employment program's benefits and job coach' role significance with describing job description for the job coach. Fifth, author introduces service oriented jobs which are mainly engaged by the disabled people. Finally, author explains requirements and qualities for job coach and argues supported employment program's basic philosophy and premise.

Although author provides much information related to supported employment program and introduces job coach's role explicitly, author fails to argue her own main point effectively and locally. First, author explains and emphasizes significance of job coach's role through describing detail job description effectively. However, this article's construction is not logical and clear because article's logical arrangement is not appropriate. Finally, author fails to exhibit supported employment program's advantages effectively because author dose not compare traditional vocational rehabilitation paradigm with supported employment paradigm clearly.

First, author tries to stress job coach's role in the vocational rehabilitation processes for supported employment program's success. First of all, author explains job coach's detail roles and duties through introducing supported employment program's basic 5 processes. Such concrete explanation can give a lot of helps for vocational rehabilitation specialists managing supported employment program in the vocational rehabilitation field. Also, author provide readers concrete information about requirements and qualities for becoming professional job coach. It will provide great advices not only vocational rehabilitation specialists but also prospective professionals.

Second, even though author tries to explain supported employment program’s advantages and significance of job coach’ role, author does not delivery such two concepts to readers effectively. First of all, author failed to make an appropriate article flame or outline to develop author’s argument. Author does not explain necessity of supported employment program fully in the article’s introduction. Author suggests significance and necessity of supported employment program in the philosophical side and human rights side not in the beginning but in the ending. Next, author leads to much confusion in argument processes because author use too much concepts related supported employment program such as transitional employment, train-place worksites model, cooperative or apprenticeship program, and sheltered employment program. Especially, using ‘transitional employment’ concept which is very similar to supported employment concept deepens confusion understanding supported employment’s concept and benefit. Lastly, author inserts types of jobs for the supported employment participants regardless of article’s logical evolvement.

Finally, author fails to argue necessity advantages of supported employment program convincingly. First of all, in the beginning dividing 3 types of traditional vocational rehabilitation models is a big mistake because author’s argument becomes ambiguous with explaining each program’s concept and problem. If author want to explain necessity and benefit of supported employment program more effectively, author should try to explain either selecting one program of three programs or integrating three programs. Next, to stress advantages of supported employment program author should describe problems of traditional vocational rehabilitation strategies more concretely. Never does author suggest concrete and detail example about problems of traditional vocational rehabilitation strategies.

In conclusion, author tries to introduce profits of supported employment program and importance of job coach in this article. In other words, author fails to express author own intention fully. Concretely, author fails to make a suitable logical construction for her own argument and to compare problems of traditional vocational rehabilitation strategies to benefits of supported employment program.
To become more logical and effective article several reformations are required. First, author should modify whole logic outline. Author should consider each paragraph ordering of the article. It should be restructured more logically. Namely, in the beginning necessity of supported employment program should be stressed and body paragraph’s arrangement should be reorganized. Next, in the first part of the article author should remove contents related transitional employment, on the other hand, author should integrate three types of traditional vocational rehabilitation models. Then author should try to compare supported employment model and traditional vocational rehabilitation model simply and definitely. Finally, to define differences between supported employment model and traditional vocational rehabilitation model author may refer to a concept of individual model and social model about the disability.

Fadely, D. C. (1987) Job Coaching in Supported Work Programs, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751, Materials Development Center Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute School of Education and Human Services University of Wisconsin-Stout.

A Hot Controversy About Ability Differences Between Male And Female

This article, “Sex Ed: The Science of Difference", which is written by Steven Pinker argues a hot issue about essential ability differences between male and female through introducing Harvard President Lawrence Summers' controversy.
Basically author admits the fact that essential ability differences between male and female exist. However, author emphasizes that ability differences between male and female not only derive from innate sex differences, but also arise out of social discrimination, prejudices, education, and the others. Author introduces two side opinions about differences between men and women. First of all, author shows Lawrence Summers’s analysis of gender disparities. Summers raised the possibility of innate sex differences at a conference and it derived from a hot controversy about female's ability. Next, author also displays various social reactions about Summers’s analysis. Many academics, columnists, and social organization criticize Summers’s analysis because his analysis can deepen a prejudicial view about social role and ability of women. However, social reactions about Summers's analysis is a gross misunderstanding regardless of Summers's real intension. Finally, author emphasizes that sex differences, especially ability differences between men and women, are understood by not only biological view but also social view and context.

It is clear that essential ability differences between male and female do not exist. Excessively emphasizing the possibility of innate sex differences between male and female is Summers's big mistake. Summers’s view is dangerous because it can be misused to deepen social prejudice about ability of women. In fact, sex differences are not biological products but social products. Sex differences are deepened by postnatal factors such as education provided by parents, a wrong school education system, and social prejudices about social role of men and women.

First, education provided by parents generally tries to make women womanly and men manly. Such typical child-rearing ways can suppress women’s normal development and growth. Most of the parents definitely have different view about girl and boy’s education. Parents give daughters pretty Cinderella doll and sons gigantic robots and sports equipment. Also, parents show children typically different role models. Namely, sons mainly learn social role from their fathers, whereas daughters generally learn social role from their mothers. Eventually, regardless of children’s thought and opinion, they grow up as a typical man and woman by parents’ unsuitable education.

Next, wrong school education environment and system also can deepen social discriminations between male and female. Usually, children' sexual difference and role are determined from the beginning of school life. Schoolgirls relatively prefer static subjects like art, literature, ballet and the others while Schoolboys are mainly interested in dynamic and enterprising subjects such as politics, economics, history, and the others; therefore, it decisively influences their future plan such as major and job. Eventually, schoolboys play a socially important role such as the President, CEO (chief executive officer), and lawyer while schoolgirls play extremely ordinary roles just like housewives.

Finally, our society has a fixed idea about gender role. In other words, our society has obviously divided roles between male and female since the beginning of history. For the long time, men nearly monopolize social power, while women mainly perform roles as men’s supporter or housekeeper. Such historical background has caused social stereotypes about role difference between men and women. Under the social prejudices women never become president, engineer, lawyer, doctor, professor, and even soldier. Social stereotype is so dangerous because it can deepen social discrimination through restraining women’s normal development and social involvement.

In conclusion, essential differences between men and women do not exist. In modern society, women’s inferior status is a product of social prejudice and discrimination. If government and society provide an appropriate supported system for women’s social participation, women can achieve success and obtain socially high status such as men. First, parents’ inappropriate education way interrupts their daughters’ successful growth. Second, inflexible school education system and environment also are one of main factors deepening ability differences between male and female. Finally, social prejudices about social role of women may deepen social discrimination for women; therefore sexual ability difference is not innate characteristics but products molded by social influences such as improper parents' education, wrong school education environment, and social prejudice and discrimination. In fact, we can never imagine the fact that woman become a candidate for the presidency in the U. S. However, Hillary Clinton, a senator of New York State, is running as a promising Democratic candidate for the presidency. To eliminate social prejudices and discrimination for women the nation may anticipate Hillary Clinton’s winning.

Pinker, S. (2005, 14 February). Sex Ed: The Science of Difference. Gender Differences: How Real Are They?

Catch Me If You Can

“I served my time and paid my debt to society”
This movie and novel are funny stories. However, the reality is not funny story. Really, can you imagine bank tellers who lose their job because of Frank’s scam? Can you imagine women’s life which gets swindled by Frank? Although audiences and readers enjoy this movie and novel, many victims who get swindled by Frank Abagnale in the real world have a lot of suffers and difficulties in their life. Accordingly, Frank has to serve for victims, victim’s family, and society. In fact, Frank’s lecture to prevent counterfeit checks is never sufficient to reward many victims’ suffers.
In fact, what is this movie and novel’s lessons for audience and readers? This story describes a wonderful and attractive criminal from beginning to end. We can find just the fact that family’s love is a very important factor for children’s normal growth. In the interview, Frank also emphasizes significance of family with explaining his parent especially his father. As describing about his father in the movie, Frank Abagnale expresses strong love and respect about his father and mentions love for his wife and three sons in the interview. Also he confesses the fact that his criminal comes from his family problem with explaining his leaving home. As family is important for Frank Abagnale, his victims’ family also is very important. If I am Steven Spielberg, I do never make a poor movie because this movie gives a lot of suffers and displeasures for Frank’s victim and their family again.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Doing Well by Doing Good

- The Benefits of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) -

What is relationship between Bill Gates and AIDS? Have Bill Gates suffered from as AIDS? In 2000, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, created the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help the poor, improve global health, and seek solution to poverty and hunger in the U. S. and around the world. Especially, they have invested a lot of money to support the development of AIDS vaccines and other methods to prevent tens of millions of infections and deaths by AIDS. Why have they made a commitment to this activity? Why are they enthusiastic about charitable activities? This reason is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). If so, can CSR give benefit to corporation? The various CSR activities will definitely give a lot of benefits to businesses because businesses can gain good brand image and reputation, improve employee skills and training, achieve high productivity and good quality, and ultimately create profit through CSR.

According to a Business Respect article that Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large (“Corporate,” para. 6). CSR is closely connected with families, local community, and society through this definition. In the same article, more wide CSR’s definition is that CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society (“Corporate,” para. 2). The term CSR was in common use in the early 1970s, and CSR really started through Ben & Jerry’s CSR activities such as stakeholder meetings and donating 7.5 percent of pretax profits for community (Marlin, & Marlin, 2003; Rachman, Mescon, Bovee, & Thill, 1993). In addition to, CSR commonly includes issues related to business ethics, community investment, philanthropy, donation, volunteerism, environment, governance, human rights, marketplace and workplace (BSR Staff, 2003d, p.1). There are many issues about CSR because CSR is connected to various social sectors. One of the important issues related to CSR is whether CSR is benefit to business or is not. While some business and economist who have personally experienced CSR’s advantage support CSR positively, some people who have not expeienced CSR’s benefit through CSR’s activities do not have concern of CSR or against CSR.

First, CSR can provide a lot of benefit to business because company can enhance their brand image and reputation through positive CSR activities. Basically, because almost people can easily think that company is organization that only pursues themselves profits, businesses that pursue profit have some trouble maintaining a good company reputation in capitalist society. It is not easy to keep a good company image without a specific measure such as CSR in capitalist societies. Accordingly, every company tries to seek how to make a great company image. It is a best choice to commit CSR to enhance company reputation. According to a 2002 survey of Americans conduced by Cone, Inc., “84 percent of respondents consider a company’s commitment to social issue when deciding which businesses they wanted in their community, 77 percent considered social commitment when choosing an employer, and 66 percent factored social responsibility into their investment decisions” (BSR Staff, 2003a, p 2). Such survey result exhibits that CSR is a very important factor to improve company image and that CSR has a great effect on customers, employees, and investors’ choices. In other word, CSR is directly connected with company profit. Eventually, positive CSR activities will give a lot of benefits to business through enhancing company brand image and reputation.

Second, business’s volunteerism which is performed by company member especially employees gives advantage to corporation through improving employee skills and training, and encouraging employee teamwork and employee’s pride about company because employee can gain different knowledge, information and skills through volunteerism programs at various fields. For example, BT Group PLC (Public Limited Company) found that volunteering and other forms of employee community involvement helped develop a variety of competencies, including teamwork, planning and implementation, communication, project management, listening skills and customer focus (BSR Staff, 2003g, p. 1). Also, volunteerism can encourage employee teamwork and employee loyalty. Volunteerism commonly forms team to accomplish tasks. So, employees who take part in volunteerism can experience a lot of teamwork activities. For example, Samsung Group which is one of the best businesses in South Korea has managed Samsung community Service Team participating employers, managers, and employees. Approximately 70,500 Samsung employees have performed volunteerism at various fields such as social welfare, protection of environment, education, and cultural art. Usually, volunteers decided their professional activity field, formed each professional volunteerism team and then, practiced volunteerism. Samsung employees can experience a lot of teamwork and feel pride and loyalty about company through participating volunteerism (BSR Staff, 2003g, p. 7). Such volunteerism eventually influences work processes and productivities in company. Consequently, business’s volunteerism will provide many advantages to business through improving employee skill and teamwork.

Third, CSR offers profit to company through achieving high productivity and good quality. Corporate environmental responsibility and consideration can improve productivity and reduce cost. For example, BSR staff introduced that “Waste disposal managers at LA’s International Airport began looking for creative ways to handle the 19,000 tons of food scraps produced on their premises each year. They soon formed a pilot program with a nearby sewage and utility plant to process the scraps through huge digesters and send the resulting methane on to the utility. The airport now saves $12 a ton in disposal costs and receives $18 a ton for the energy generated by its scraps. In addition, the sewage digesters churn out reusable water and a nutrient-rich sludge that can be sold as fertilizer” (2003c, p. 2). Also, corporate consideration of workplace can contribute to improve productivity and quality of goods and services. If a company has consideration for laborers’ welfare and working environment, employees will work harder to accomplish high productivity and quality. Accordingly, CSR will offer profit to business through achieving high productivity and good quality.

Opponents claim that CSR is not useful thing to business because company has to spend a lot of money and time to perform CSR. Opponents insist that a company’s main obligation is to remain in business and maximize profits and companies do not need to perform CSR. However, businesses can never prolong their life alone. Modern businesses are surrounded by complicated environment. The business has to consider to community and society including customer, employees, and investors because they have a great effect on business management and survival. In addition CSR is one of the very important business activities for all companies. It is not too much to say that CSR is an essential factor in business activities. In 21century, if a company wants constant development, the company will strive to perform and develop various CSR activities.

In conclusion, a variety of CSR activities can give numerous advantages to business. Although CSR has a lot of benefits for company, this concept is not universal value for companies. However, if many companies know CSR’s real value, they will invest for CSR and consider to community and society. Therefore, if businesses want to survive and develop their organization, businesses have to consider and invest CSR actively. Here are three real values of CSR. First, a positive CSR activity of business is the best way to enhance company brand image and reputation. Next, CSR can encourage employee skills, training, teamwork, pride, and loyalty through various volunteerisms. Third, business can achieve high productivity and good quality through corporate environmental responsibility and consideration of workplace. Eventually, CSR can give business a lot of advantages through creating profit. Modern businesses continuously have to consider why Bill Gates invests a lot of money to eliminate AIDS.


BSR Staff. (2003a, May). Overview of business and community investment. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from
sources/IssueBriefDetail.cfm?DocumentID=489 78.

BSR Staff. (2003b, October). Overview of business and marketplace. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved, April 17, 2007, from

BSR Staff. (2003c, October). Overview of business and the environment. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from

BSR Staff. (2003d, October). Overview of corporate social responsibility. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007. from

BSR Staff. (2003e, October). Overview of workplace. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from CSRResources/IssueBriefDetail.cfm?DocumentID=48814.

BSR Staff. (2003f, December). Philanthropy. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from

BSR Staff. (2003g, December). Volunteerism and release time. Business of Social Responsibility. Retrieved April 17, 2007December 2003, from 64.

Corporate social responsibility – What does it mean? (2007, April). Corporate Social Responsibility News and Resources. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from

Marlin. T. A, & Marlin. T. J. (2003, March) A brief history of social reporting. Corporate Social Responsibility News and Resources. Retrieved April 17, 2007. Form,ID=857

Rachman, D., Mescon, M., Bovee, C., & Thill, J. (1993). Ethical and social responsibilities of business. Business Today. NY: McGraw-Hill. pp. 88-120.

A few good Leader: the President of South Korea

Every president can never become a wonderful leader. Historically we can a lot of failed president as a leader. South Korea is a small but strong country which is located to north-east Asia. A good leader whom I consider to is South Korea’s incumbent president, Rho Mu Hyun. The President Rho is person who leads to a huge paradigm shift of Korea society. He was the first president who was elected by a real democratic process in South Korea. He has both democratic communication skill and strong courage. He is a president who possesses enough qualities to be accredited a great nation’s leader.

First, he has ability which is able to communicate actively with everybody in nation. He worked for poor people and labors as a lawyer before he became the president. He tried to communicate with many people especially poor people and labors to advocate their human rights. He also endeavors to listen carefully about the nation’s voices as an assemblyman. After he became the president, he attempts to communicate each ministries and offices’ national public service personnel for government reform. He always enjoyed conversation and discussion and tried to reflect communication’s results to national policies.

Next, he has a strong courage. He has a lot of troubles to become the president and does not have a particular political interest. However, he overcomes such difficulties and troubles through his specific courage and sincerity. He had experienced two defeats in an election and political betrayal from co-politicians. However, he always tired to keep his political philosophy and belief. Eventually, such his special qualities make it him to become the most democratic president in South Korea.

In conclusion, the president Rho Mu Hyun is the best president in South Korea because he has good qualities such as good communication skill and specific courage to become a great leader. If he did not elect the president in 2002, South Korea’s democracy may again go back. The fact that he is president of South Korea is a great blessing to Korean people. South Korea definitely achieves a huge improvement with the president Rho Mu Hyun.

A Leader with Passion

- After watching the Movie “Gung-Ho” -

To become a wonderful leader is never easy. This movie well shows to us that to become a great leader how much is difficult. On the other hand, this movie also exhibits to us that if we have a passion of our job, co-workers, and company, we can be a great leader. Although Hunt, who is an American leader, is not an intelligent man, he possesses passion and courage and is supported by his co-workers. Eventually, he overcomes a lot of difficulties and restores company and city.

First of all, this movie emphasizes passion and courage of leader. There are many scenes that show passion and courage of the hero. For example, Hunt alone goes to the Assan Motors Japan main office to save his co-worker and city. And he eventually leads to his task successful. Also, although he faces to a so difficult situation, he tries to achieve the goal which is promised with Assan Motors. He sometimes fights his co-workers and Japanese managers. He sometimes takes part in motors assembly line. He personally sets an example to his inferiors.

Next, he obtains a faith form his co-workers and Japanese manager. Because he is supported by many co-workers, he can overcome a lot of suffers and restore his company and city. Although he is a manager, he always works with his co-worker in the assembly line. Also he well perform role as a coordinator between Japanese managers and American labors. Finally he can gain a confidence form both American labors and Japanese managers.

In conclusion, I was a leader too in Korea. I well know leader’s distress. Especially, gaining a confidence from co-workers and managers is not easy. If we want such confidence, we have to spend a lot of efforts and make the sacrifice. Hunt, who is a hero of the movie “Gung-Ho”, well shows us a great leader model. We can recognize the fact that becoming a great leader is not easy and to become a wonderful leader we have to have passion of co-workers and company and gain confidence from co-workers and managers.

The 2 Key Characteristics of Good Leader

Do you want to be a great leader? Is it easy or difficult? If you have some traits about leadership, you can be a great leader in your organization. Of course, to become a great leader is not easy. However, if you try to communicate actively with your co-worker, subordinate workers, and other managers and get a strong passion about your job and organization, you can be wonderful leader in your organization.

First, to become a great leader you have to communicate actively with everybody in your organization. The best important responsibility of leader is to achieve organization’s ultimate goal for development and improvement of organization. According to the article form Blagg, D & Young, S (2001) suggest that leader have to spend the bulk of their time communicating, tell the hard truths, and listen carefully to audience such as workers. Basically all organizations have a lot of members or workers, some sub-groups or teams, and head quarter or leader to accomplish organization’s goal. All organizations need active communication between organization members including worker, manager, and leader. Leader has to perform key role during the communicating between members. Consequently, a good communication skill is one of the best important characteristics of leader.

Next, to become a good leader you must have a strong passion about your job and organization. If some people do not have a passion about their job, they cannot achieve certain outcome in their organizations. Especially, the passion of leader in a organization is very important for organization’s development and improvement. Byrnes, J (2005) insists that to be successful leader, you must have both a passion for improving your organization and the capability to drive your efforts through to completion. Also, he suggest that to become successful leader, you have to identify and seek out a work situation right, how will he or she feel real passion. Not only common workers but also leader need to have passion about their job to achieve their goal. Especially, leader who charges key duty for organization has to have a strong passion about his or her job and organization.

Some sociologists who support traditional theory about readership claim that sometime to decide vary critical problem in organization by leader’s individual determination is effective method to avoid organization’s risk and danger. However, a organization is not leader’s individual possession. Leader also commits some mistakes. Anytime, organization’s critical problems are decided by many member including leader, workers, and other manager together. Consequently to develop organization needs active communication leading by leader and involving organization members.

In conclusion, if you want to become a great leader, you have to have a good communication skill and an enthusiastic passion of your job. First, to be a great leader needs to communicate actively with organization members because of all organization consist of many members and teams. Also a wonderful leader has have to get a strong passion of his or her job and organization because the passion about job and organization is one of the best essential element to achieve organizational key goal. Although to be a great leader is not easy, you can do it if you have a good communication skill and passion of your job.


Byrnes, J. (2005). The Essence of Leadership, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge for Business Leaders.

Blagg, D., Young, S. (2001). What Makes a Good Leader?, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge for Business Leaders.

The Problems of Payday Loan

This article, “Bill Would Limit Payday Lending”, which is written by Peter Hull, describes payday loans and exhibits contrary opinions between two people. First of all, author shows problems of payday loan through opinion of Rep. Alan D. Clemmons. According to the article, recently some states of the U. S. have attempted to ban or limit payday loans because poor people repeatedly use payday loan to solve their debts and many people who frequently use payday loan can fall in a deeper financial hole. In fact, many people have serious financial problems because of payday loan’s high interest rate. On the other hand, author exhibits necessity and advantage of payday loan through opinion of Jamie Fulmer. He supports payday loans, criticizes Clemmons’ bill, and emphasizes value of payday loan. In other words, he insists that payday loan is one of the most valuable financial supported services to help poor people and cash-strapped consumers. Also, he claims that payday loan’s rate of interest is never higher than other similar financial products, such as the bank fee and the merchant fee.

Basically, falling into debt is bad thing. Although there are many reasons to borrow money from lenders such as payday loan services, people should endeavor not to borrow money from other people. If people sincerely live themselves life everyday, people never need debt like a payday loan. Every debt like a payday loan can spoil not only borrower but also their family’s life. Also, lenders who derive excessive interests or benefits through borrower’s vulnerable points are the social evil. Although payday loans have bad factors, poor people and low socioeconomic status people continuously use payday loan services. We have to eliminate or restrict payday loans to maintain economically healthy society. First, payday loans’ operation system has a trouble because of its excessive interest rates. Second, payday loans can spoil not only borrower but also borrower’s family. Third, payday loans can bring about a social problem. Accordingly, People should try to avoid use of payday loans and the government and society should seek a suitable solution for poor people.

First, payday loans’ operation system is senseless because its interest rates are too high. Schafer (2007, para. 8) introduces that there are more than 22,000 payday advance locations in the United States that garner $6 billion annually in revenue through exceed 400% annual interest rates. Some article reported that payday loan service charge above 500% annual interest rates to borrowers (Adams, 2007, para. 4: Curtia, 2006, para. 10). Such incredible interest rates are never received with our commonsense. We can easily predict payday loans’ dangerousness through such excessive interest rates. If our society is extremely normal society, such unreasonable interest rates try to correct rightly.

Next, payday loan can spoil not only borrower but also their family’s life. According to the article from Schafer (2007), “Borrowers who can not pay often roll over the loan repeatedly, leading to more charges that can quickly add up and lead to a cycle of debt” (para. 5). In this manner many payday loan consumers repeatedly use it to pay off their fee or debt. Adams (2007) introduced some cases about payday loans victim. Lorrie and James Crouch have three children. They are disabled and have poor credit histories. The still owe about $3,000 to payday lenders. Lorrie said that “We had exhausted every other avenue. We were scraping just to feed he family. We were desperate” (para. 34-36). However, almost payday lenders do not check customer’s credit and customers just sign a few pieces of paper. At the end, customers can use any payday loans. Eventually they become to fall in a deeper financial hole. Their family also can fall into an unhappy bottomless pit. Moreover, such unhappiness can cause social problems such as a crime. People should consider to correlation between payday loans problem and crimes.

Finally, payday loans can bring out a social problem. We usually call the capitalist society as a mammon’s society. The payday loan industry well exhibits problem of capitalism like a mammonism. In the capitalist society, Generally lenders are the rich and borrowers are the poor. Eventually, this vicious circle can cause a lot of social problems and conflicts such as a crime. We sometimes can see crime related monetary through news. Payday loans customers can easily expose committing crime because they attempt to solve their financial problem through robbery, burglary, as far as homicide.

In conclusion, Almost of people who use payday loan services are poor people. They can easily fall into a deeper financial hole because of their bad credit and financial situation. They need to use payday loans because of their financial problem. However, they do not have ability that can independently solve their financial problem. Payday loans are a useless and bad thing in our society. First of all, payday loans charge customers excessively high interest rates. Next, payday loans can give a financial difficulty to borrower and borrower’s family. Finally, payday loans can bring about a social problem such as a crime. Accordingly, the individual try to achieve financial independence to avoid depending on payday loans. Also the government and society need to recognize such problem about payday loan and have to take an appropriate measure to minimize payday loan’s damage.

Adams. D. (2007). DEBT TRAP OR SAFETY NET? The Roanoke Times.Retrieved May 1, 2007, from

Curtia, J. (2006). States' payday-lender allowances cost families dearly.McClatchy-Tribune Business News. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from

Schafer, M, S. (2007). Payday Loan Industry Acts to Quell Criticism. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved April 15, 2007, from,1,4516617.story?coll=la-headlines-business-advert

Soldiers at Risk: Military Personnel Vulnerable to Payday Loans. (2004). Center for Responsible Lending. Retrieved April 15, 2007, from

Health Care Issue in the United States

[Percent of Total Population without Health Insurance, 2000]

Health care issues are closely connected human life. It is a very important to obtain appropriate health care programs and insurance in our life because most health and medical problems are not solved by individual ability and money without suitable government and public support. However, many Americans who are still placed in low socioeconomic status or lived with the aged do not have suitable medical measures. Furthermore, most of all industrialized nations adopt a single medical solution as one part of the social security policies. Therefore, the U. S. federal and state governments must try to provide the nation an appropriate health care program and support to solve the nation’s health and medical problems.

First of all, because medical expense is too expensive in the U.S., most poor people, some lower middle class people, the aged households have experienced a lot of difficulty about medical issues. Especially the aged households which expose various diseases have more serious suffering about medical problems. According to the report and survey’s results form Sara, Karen, Cathy, Michelle, & Jennifer (2006), “One-third of all respondents have medical bill problems or accrued medical debt, and nearly one-quarter (23%) said there was a time they went without needed medical care because of cost. Older workers and their spouses with low and moderate incomes are worried about the affordability of healthcare insurance coverage: over half of old workers with incomes below $40,000 and two of five (42%) with incomes between $40,000 and $60,000 said they were “very worried” about being able to afford healthcare insurance.” (pp. vii- viii). These results of research and survey well exhibit seriousness of health care issue in the U.S. Also, these results well show that the medical issue is universal problem in our society. In other word, not only poor people, but also middle class and the aged households have some medical problems. If the U. S. government realizes seriousness of the nation’s medical measures, the U. S. government will reform medical system to support and solve all of the nation’s medical issues.

Next, health care issue is one of the most important government welfare policies. Especially, under the situation which gets wider gap between rich and poor in the capitalistic society, if many low socioeconomic class people do not receive benefit from an appropriate health care program, it may became a serious social problem. For example, a poor family’s child has a serious medical problem, such as inborn heart disease and leukemia. They obviously experienced a lot of suffering because of this disease and monetary problem. Sometimes, any one of the family members may commit crime to solve their family’s trouble. If these problems are continuously accumulated in our society, they can be enormous social risk of our society. On the other hand, although the U.S is the richest country of the world, it has kept the worst medical system. According to the By Battista, R, J., & McCabe, J (1999), “The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not guarantee access to health care as a right of citizenship while 28 industrialized nations have single payer universal health care systems” (Shared Path section, para. 1). The fact that most of all industrialized nations have a single medical solution for the nation’s health and welfare is a very shocking to the U.S. government and American people. Social security system is fundamental policy to prevent general social crisis, furthermore national health policy which charges peoples’ health and life is one of the most important government policies. The U. S. government has to provide the nation a suitable public medical service through national health policy reform.

In conclusion, providing the social security service is one of the most important government’s duties. The U.S. which is the best nation in the world doesn’t have an appropriate health care system yet. If the U.S. government wants to achieve position as the best developed country and provide the nation a satisfactory public medical service, the U. S. government will attempt to reform national medical system.


Battista, R, J., & McCabe, J. (1999). The Case for Single Payer, Universal Health Care for the United States. Connecticut Coalition Universal Health Care. Retrieved December 21, 2006, from

Sara, R, C., Karen, D., Cathy, S., Michelle, M, Doty., & Jennifer, L, K. (2006). Health Coverage For Aging Baby Boomers: Finding From the Commonwealth Fund Survey of Older Adults.

Sharon, O. (n, d.). Baby Boomers and Healthcare: What are the Problems, and What Can Be Done?. About : Senior Living. Retrieved from

Can Money Give Happiness to Us?

Money can shorten your life span. Is this a true or false? Because of its many problems and danger it can be truth. In the capitalistic society, most people believe that the money is able to guarantee our successful and happy life. However, everybody can never gain happiness and success through the medium of money or wealth. Some rich people can harm their health, can lose their family as well as friends because of money. Furthermore money can deprive their confidence and friendship. To spend money well is more important than to make money. If we spend money recklessly without certain criteria, we can spoil our life. If we want more happy life, we must use and make money more carefully. Consequently, money can never ensure happiness and success in human life because it can cause various problems such as health, family and social relationship problems.

First, the wealth can cause many health problems. Some rich people can have physical and mental health problems. Actually, to possess a lot of money can make people idle and cause psychological stress in their life. Some rich people exercise at a luxurious health club, have an expensive health insurance, and eat very good foods to keep their health while some rich people can spoil their health because they depend on assistants such as secretary, driver, housekeeper, and body guard for their convenience. Such bad life style will increasingly make them lazy and fat. Eventually, they will be exposed various diseases of adult people such as a heart disease, glycosuria, hyperpiesia. Also, although many rich people have a characteristic sincerity and responsibility to achieve their wealth, they can place risk such as mental and moral hazard. We can frequently see some failed wealthy people in our society because of their dissipation and luxury. Many rich people can indulge in excessive shopping. They possess a lot of cars useless and spend their money freely in everywhere. Such undesirable behaviors bring out and promote conflict between high and low socioeconomic statuses in our society. Moreover, they have a lot of stress to keep their wealth. It can also cause them a lot of anxieties. Some rich people have to possess many cashbox keys to keep their money. While the wealth can give us a certain satisfaction, it can create us a lot of physical and psychological health problems.

Next, the wealth can bring out family problems. The wealth can cause problems between husband and wife. Sometimes some rich people cheat on their spouses. After they have a lot of money, they are interested in sexual desire and vanity. They begin to seek younger and more attractive partner than their spouse to satisfy their merely sexual desire. Eventually, they lose their family as well as spouses. Also the wealth can bring out family conflicts especially conflicts between siblings about an inheritance succession. Most rich families’ siblings have experienced conflict about an inheritance succession. They may frequently rupture their family relationship because of their parents’ inheritance. Wealth is never a good thing for family members.

Finally, the wealth cause many social relationship problems. Some rich people lose trust from friends and acquaintances because of their money. The people who have a lot of money are asked financial requests from friends and acquaintances frequently. However, they can never receive their acquaintances’ requests because they are not a person of charity. In this process, many rich people are misunderstood as stingy by their friends and acquaintances. Eventually some rich people may lose their trust and friendship. Also many rich people can quit their job because of their wealth. Human is social animal. If some person quit his/her job, he/she may end social relationship. Finally the wealth may cut all social relationships.
Opponents claim that rich people can help other people. However, some rich people might exploit other people to save their wealth. In the capitalistic system, some capitalists and rich people exploit workers and harm other people to save their wealth directly or indirectly. Many company owners employ workers low wages to create their profits and capital. We can frequently see labor movement in the capitalistic society. Labors claim that they have a lot of difficulties about low wage and bad workplace conditions. Until now many middle Asian and South America countries keep child labor under the desperately bad workplace conditions. These bad labor conditions prove how labor condition is bad in the capitalistic society. Also, many rich people harm other people to increase their wealth. The land speculation is the best representative example of rich people’s selfishness. Some greedy rich people build enormous houses and apartments through their money. Most countries which keep high population density have a limited land. In this situation, some greedy rich people buy a lot of houses and apartments to make money. Eventually these land speculations deprive common people’ having housing opportunities.

In conclusion, most people believe that money is good, and to make a lot of money is a virtue in the capitalistic society. However, wealth never guarantees our happiness. Sometimes, wealth causes many physical and mental health problems because of rich people’s laziness and anxiety. Also wealth can also bring out family conflicts because of rich people’s vanity and desire. Finally, the wealth can spoil rich people’s social relationship because of money’s dangerousness. If we want to use money well, we must always consider about money’s risks. Generally money looks good. However, money has a lot of dangers and risks at the back of it. When we use money, we should deeply impress this point upon our mind. If we use money well, it is become a good medicine, on the other hand, if we abuse money, it is become a bad poison.

Friday, March 2, 2007

"Pity the Poor Lottery Winner"

This article, “Pity the Poor Lottery Winner”, which was reported by the New York Times describes that lottery winners have experienced a lot of troubles since they won huge money lottery. This article introduce four different cases about lottery winners to explain their trouble or happy. There are three failed case and one successful case in this article. Some lottery winners lost their family, friend, children, and trust while few people obtain happiness and trust through lottery.

First, in spite of a good purport of lottery all lotteries have a lot of problems and troubles. Most lotteries were founded to gather a lot of money for public benefit such as constructing public house, helping poor people, and promoting art and sport. However, many people have wasted too much money and time for only luck which is hardly possible. Also, according to the article even many lottery winners have a big trouble because of lottery problem. Consequently, a lottery has disadvantage more than advantage.

Next, many people too easily think about making money. To expect a lucky chance in our life is never a desirable life style. Usually, many people lean on a false hope. They also never think about a faithful and sincere life. Also, many lotteries stir up their gambling spirit. This is very serious social problem in the capitalistic society. A life which relies on lucky chance is never a healthy life.

In conclusion, even though most lotteries have a good purpose, they give lottery buyers a lot of trouble and damage. Also, they stir up lottery buyers’ gambling spirit. If we want more healthy society and community, we will consider to reform or abolish lottery system.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Capital Punishment : An Eye for an Eye????

Capital punishment has to disappear in the world. It is never effictive to execute a brutal criminal to prevent a dreadful crime.

First, the capital punishment is a second murder committed by the nation's authority. The death penalty violates human rights. Many criminals were executed without enough evidence. After the execution was performed by the government, the truth was often revealed.

Next, Most serious crimes(such as murder) are caused by the organizational contradiction of our society and a criminals' extreme rage. In other word; the fundamental cause of crime is never the individual or his/her responsibility. Most brutal criminals have grown up in a low socioeconomic environment without an appropriate family and community's supports. If we want a more fundamental solution to deter a dreadful crime, we have to consider structual contradiction and social reform.

In conclusion, Capital punishment is never the best method to prevent a dreadful crime. To solve dreadful crimes in our society, we must seek more fundamental solutions.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Summary of "Net Crime 'Big Fear' for Britons

Net Crime 'big fear' for Britons

This article 'Net Crime 'big fear' for Britons' from the Internet, the writer describes that many computer users were exposed by net-crimes in Great Britain, however they didn't prepare a suitable computer security system. First, many Britons worry about net cirme. According to the Get Safe Online study, 21% of respondents felt more risk from net crime than burglary. And many Britons were afraid of using the Internet because of online crime. Secondary, even though online crime was very jeopardizing, computer users didn't recognize the necessities of computer security systems. Finally, If we want to use computers and the Internet without risks of net-crimes, we must install computer security software such as anti-virus software, firewall, and spam mail prevention program.

First, high computer and the Internet used rate cause computer crimes such as fake online companies, computer virus attacks, and spam mail. Most of computer users have experienced net-crimes. They have spent too much time removing spam mail everyday. And they feel pain because of too much online advertisements. Obviously, net-crimes are so serious, they are social problems.

Next, despite serious online crimes most computer users don't have an appropriate safe method. Computers and the Internet are necessary in our lives. We can't think that we can't use computers for online-crimes. We have to destroy computer crimes in the world. So we must develop computer security systems and seek better fundamental solutions.

Finally, the Internet and computers give not only disadvantages but also advantages to our lives. We can enjoy computers and the Internet's convenience while we have to overcome computer and Internet risks. If we prepare proper computer security systems and enforce computer security consciousness, we will enjoy Internet surfing under a more safe computer environment.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What's Wrong? An Astronaut's Love and Crime

This aticle reported about an female astronaut's love affair and crime.
Lisa Marie Nowak(43), who is married with three children and has been an astronaut since 1996, loved a male astronaut(Bill Oefelein), however he loved another married woman(Ms. Shipman).
So Nowak attempted love rival battary, kidnapping, burglary to a vehicle and destruction of evidence.

Can we understand this crime with "crime of passion"?
How much did she love him? Maybe she have had a lot of jealousy about her boyfriend and another woman's love. Nevertheless, we can't understand her crime because she should take a prudent attitude. Possibly, her boyfriend's betray is her excellent chance to return her family

What's Wrong

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Introduction about "Snow Falling on Cedars"

In 1930 and 1940s, both families, Kabuo's family and Carl's family, live in a island on notrhwest America costline.
Both families have fought about ownership of their land for long time.
Some day, Carl junior's dead body was discovered by sheriff in his boat's gill-net.
Kabuo, Janpanes-American, was suspected by carl's family and the sheriff.
He went to prison and trial.
At the start of the trial, many people have gathered in the court. They are talking about if he is guilty or innocent. Ishmael Champer also attended in this trial. He loved Hatsue(Kabuo's wife) at his childhood.

Hatsue is a beautiful woman who is Kabuo's wife. She is a Janpanes-Amerian.
She also loved Ishmael Chamber at her childhood. She worked strawberry farm.
She crowned princess of Strawberry Festival. Although she and Ishmael loved each other, they can never complete their love. Because they differ their nationalities each other, they met secretly and deceived other people. Actually, Hatsue got married to Kabuo in the Manzanar(Janpanes-Amerian relocation camp) and they can not complete their love.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

My opinion of Overall U.S. murder rate down, but youth gun killings up

This article which reported by CNN decribed about crime's statistics of the U.S.
Also, this article provided to us below fact and information.
1. Recently murder rate in the U.S. decreased, but younger people were killing each other with firearms with greater frequency.
2. The Clinton government contributed to decline cirme rate
3. Usually white murder victims were killed by whites(85%) and black vicims were killed by blacks(94%).
4. Younger Americans(18-24 age) were the most likely murder victims.
5. The south and west coast region committed murder more than the New England and the Rocky Mountain states.
6. Men were more than nine times more likely than women to commit murder.

Nowdays, I study about "Crime & Criminals" every day!!
I already know this fact and data!!
Because I read core text book and watch criminal video every day!!

Later, I will post about "3 way of decreasing crime"

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Relocated Durg Trade Fuels Murder Rate in New Orleans Suburb

This article which was written by Mary Foster deals with murder rate shift in New Orleans suburb after Hurricane Katrina. After Hurricane Katrina, an irregal drug rade was blown out there but the murder rate increased in the suburb of Jefferson Parish. For example, thirty-five people had been murdered in the parish as of Tuesday night. Surprisingly, Most of the victims and the accused were under the age of 30. On the other hand, Many people want to move to parish instead of New Orleans. This population shift has caused the drug market to shift. Even though overall crime is down 20 percent, the types of crime are more and more ugly. Because the sheriff’s department has lost 45 deputies since the storm.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The End of Child Labor in the Developing Countries

The End of Child Labor in the Developing Countries

Obviously, child labor should finish in developing countries. Developing nations’ governments and many social organizations will reinforce the role to prohibit child labor. In the future, developing countries will accomplish socio-economical improvement. Also this achievement will be accompanied by their technical innovation and factory automatic systems. Eventually, these factors will assist to finish child labor in developing countries.

First, each nation’s government, non-government organizations, and international agencies (UN, ILO, WHO, etc.) strongly try to prohibit developing countries’ child labor. Governments will more strongly ban child labor through enacting new actions. And non-government organizations will reinforce a role as a child labor inspector. Also international agencies, especially ILO (International Labor Organization), will enforce international pressure to prohibit child labor.

Second, child labor is a historical product. In the past, developed countries also used child labor for their nation’s improvement. And after they established decent development, they also gradually decreased their nation’s child labor. Current developing countries also will have the same experiences. In other words, like developed countries, developing countries also will end child labor through socio-economical development.

Finally, technical innovation and factory automatic systems will assist to end child labor. Actually, many repetitive and dangerous jobs have been removed by technical innovation and factory automatic systems in many developed countries. Developing countries also will eliminate child labor through automatic systems.

In conclusion, most countries and governments don’t want child labor. Prohibiting child labor is very important for human rights. In the future, the inspection of governments and non-government organizations will reinforce illegal child labor. Lastly, technical progression will facilitate removing child labor. Eventually, child labor will disappear forever in the world.

My feeling about 'Al Capone Web Site'

This web site has a lot of information about Al Capone
I saw very famous movie "God Father" at childhood.
I can remember Malon Brando who paly Al Capone at that movie.
I remember that he looks fierce and terrible

Today, I see real Al Capone's face for the first time through this website
Surprisingly He has cute face, He is not huge body.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Who is SUPERMAN???

1. I'm Muwoongkim.
2. I'm from Korea which is located in northeast Asia.
3. My nickname is Superman.
4. My nickname is not the movie star's name, but Nietzsche's Superman.
5. I'm a rehabilitation specialist.
6. I worked for KEPAD(Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled) in Korea.
7. I got married to HoejeanHong on November 22, 1997.
8. I have two children who are my lovely pets.
9. I'm interested in politics and history especially the U. S.
10. I enjoy watching NBC news on the Internet everyday.
11. I'm going to study at SIUC continuously.
12. My major is rehabilitation counseling.
13. Recently I became the Carbondale Hangul(Korean language) School's teacher
14. I study English everyday to obtain a high TOEFL score.
15. I have a car, a HONDA CR-V, which I recieved from my older brother.
16. I love travel. As soon as I finish studying, our family will go around the world.
17. I live in Carbondale which is very beautiful place.
18. I live in Evergreen Terrace which is SIUC's family housing.
19. I will work for handicapped people's welfare and independent living.